Thursday, March 31, 2011

without words.

I should have ignored it
like something i couldn't see
I shouldn't have looked at you at all
I should have run away
I hould have acted like i didn't hear it
like something I couldn't hear.
I shouldn't have listened to love at all

Why does it hurts so much?
Why does it hurts continuously ?
Except for the fact that i can't see you anymore
And that you are not here anymore

it's the same as before.

Without a word ,

you let me know love
Without a word,

 you give me love
You made me even hold of your breath

but you ran away like this
Without a word,

love leaves me
Without a word,

love tossed me away
What should I say next?
Without a word,

 tears fall
Without a word,

my heart breaks down.

Without a word,

i waited for love
Without a word, love hurts me
I zoned out.

I become a fool because
 I cry looking at the skyWithout a word,
 the end comes to me
I think my heart was surprised

to send you away without any preperations
It came without a word.

Without a word,

 it comes and leaves
Like the fever before
Maybe all I need to do is endure the hurt for a while
Because in the end,

only scars are left.

Saturday, March 19, 2011


Here I am,
In this place,

Even if it’s not enough
I’ll show how much I really love you
You may never know but
Here I am

Even if it’s not enough for me to show
How much I really love you
I’ll just wait for you in this place.

You may never know,
but Here I am

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Putaran Kehidupan

sekarang ramai orang melayu
yang sering mengaku mereka ISLAM
yang BANGGA bila snap gambar dengan ARAK.

siap masuk facebook
gambar dengan kawan sambil pegang botol arak
ade yang buat video masuk clubbing
minum wiski, minum beer
dalam keadaan ketawa
senyum, gelak mengilai

suka kan buat semua tuh?
memanglah kau suka.
setitik air arak yang kau minum tuh,
44hari solat kau tak diterima
kau tak fikir ke kat akhirat nanti apa jadi?

bila toleh kiri kanan.
dengar cerita sana sini.
macam-macam dah berlaku

bila tengok sana sini pulak.
mudah kita terpengaruh.


janganlah kau burukkan keINDAHan nyer,
wahai sekalian makhluk.